Tuesday, 5 March 2013

GE2116 - B.E Engineering Practice Laboratory Syllabus for First Semester by Anna Univ

GE2116                   ENGINEERING PRACTICES LABORATORY                    L T  P  C
0  0 3  2
To  provide  exposure  to  the  students  with  hands  on  experience  on  various  basic engineering practices in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering.


I           CIVIL ENGINEERING PRACTICE                                                                       9
(a) Study of plumbing and carpentry components of residential and industrial buildings. Safety aspects.
Plumbing Works:
(a) Study of pipeline joints, its location and functions: valves, taps, couplings, unions, reducers, elbows in household fittings.
(b) Study of pipe connections requirements for pumps and turbines.
(c) Preparation of plumbing line sketches for water supply and sewage works.
(d) Hands-on-exercise:

Basipipconnections  – Mixepipmateriaconnection  – Pipe connections with different joining components.
(e) Demonstration of plumbing requirements of high-rise buildings.

Carpentry using Power Tools only:
(a) Study of the joints in roofs, doors, windows and furniture. (b

Wood work, joints by sawing, planing and cutting.

II          MECHANICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE                                                      13

(a) Preparation of arc welding of butt joints, lap joints and tee joints. (b) Gas welding practice

Basic Machining:
(a) Simple Turning and Taper turning
(b) Drilling Practice
Sheet Metal Work:
(a) Forming & Bending:
(b) Model making Trays, funnels, etc. (c) Different type of joints.

Machine assembly practice:
(a) Study of centrifugal pump
(b) Study of air conditioner

Demonstration on:
(a) Smithy operations, upsetting, swaging, setting down and bending. Example Exercise Production of hexagonal headed bolt.
(b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone pulley. (c) Fitting Exercises Preparation of square fitting and vee fitting models.


III        ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING PRACTICE                                                        10
1. Residential house wiring using switches, fuse, indicator, lamp and energy meter.
2. Fluorescent lamp wiring.
3. Stair case wiring
4. Measurement  of  electrical  quantities   voltage,  current,  power  &  power factor in RLC circuit.
5. Measurement of energy using single phase energy meter.
6. Measurement of resistance to earth of an electrical equipment.

IV       ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING PRACTICE                                                    13
1. Study of Electronic components and equipments Resistor, colour coding measurement  of  AC  signal  parameter  (peak-peak,  rmperiod,  frequency) using CR.
2. Study of logic gates AND, OR, EOR and NOT.
3. Generation of Clock Signal.
4. Soldering  practice   Components  Deviceand  Circuits   Using  general purpose PCB.
5. Measurement of ripple factor of HWR and FWR.

                                                                                                                                                                    TOTAL: 45 PERIODS


1. K.Jeyachandran, S.Natarajan & S, Balasubramanian, A Primer on     Engineering
Practices Laboratory, Anuradha Publications, (2007).
2. T.Jeyapoovan,  M.Saravanapandian  &  S.Pranitha,  Engineering  Practices      Lab
Manual”, Vikas Puplishing House Pvt.Ltd, (2006)
3. H.S. Bawa, Workshop Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company     Limited, (2007).
4.  A.Rajendra Prasad & P.M.M.S. Sarma, Workshop Practice, Sree Sai     Publication,
5. P.Kannaiah & K.L.Narayana, Manual on Workshop Practice, Scitech     Publications, (1999).


The Laboratory examination is to be conducted for Group A & Group B, allotting 90 minutes for each group, with a break of 15 minutes. Both the examinations are to be taken together in sequence, either in the FN session or in the AN session. The maximum marks for Group A and Group B lab examinations will be 50 each, totaling 100 for the Lab course. The candidates shall answer either I or II under Group A and either III or IV under Group B, based on lots.

Engineering Practices Laboratory List of equipment and components (For a Batch of 30 Students)

1. Assorted components for plumbing consisting of metallic pipes, plastic pipes, flexible pipes, couplings, unions, elbows, plugs and
other fittings.                                                                                 15 Sets.
2. Carpentry vice (fitted to work bench)                                             15 Nos.
3. Standard woodworking tools                                                          15 Sets.
4. Models of industrial trusses, door joints, furniture joints                 5 each
5. Power Tools: (a) Rotary Hammer                                                  2 Nos
(b) Demolition Hammer                                                               2 Nos (c) Circular Saw                                                                           2 Nos (d) Planer                                                                                     2 Nos (e) Hand Drilling Machine                                                            2 Nos (f) Jigsaw                                                                                     2 Nos


1. Arc welding transformer with cables and holders                          5 Nos.
2. Welding booth with exhaust facility                                                5 Nos.
3. Welding accessories like welding shield, chipping hammer,
wire brush, etc.                                                                               5 Sets.
4. Oxygen and acetylene gas cylinders, blow pipe and other
welding outfit.                                                                                  2 Nos.
5. Centre lathe                                                                                    2 Nos.
6. Hearth furnace, anvil and smithy tools                                           2 Sets.
7. Moulding table, foundry tools                                                          2 Sets.
8. Power Tool: Angle Grinder                                                             2 Nos
9. Study-purpose items: centrifugal pump, air-conditioner          One each.


1. Assorted electrical components for house wiring                           15 Sets
2. Electrical measuring instruments                                                   10 Sets
3. Study purpose items: Iron box, fan and regulator, emergency lamp 1 each
4. Megger (250V/500V)                                                                      1 No.
5. Power Tools: (a) Range Finder                                                      2 Nos
(b) Digital Live-wire detector                                    2 Nos

1. Soldering guns                                                                                10 Nos.
2. Assorted electronic components for making circuits                     50 Nos.
3. Small PCBs                                                                                    10 Nos.
4. Multimeters                                                                                     10 Nos.
5. Study purpose items: Telephone, FM radio, low-voltage power supply

1 comment:

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